Sunday, 22 March 2015

Citizens of the Kingdom of God

In Dubai the emir technically (and actually - through his family) owns all the oil revenues which are of astronomical proportions. He uses this to enrich the emirate and build an ultra modern city. He is future proofing the city from the end of the oil revenue which is not far away. The UAE is rearranging the economy to account for this falloff in oil revenue. The current revenue is shared with all the citizens of the Emirate. 

Non citizens do not share in this revenue. So the citizens of the Emirate are all wealthy people. The work of building and the ordinary running of Dubai is largely carried out by non citizens who get a wage but do not share in the wealth or the future of the Emirate. They only draw a wage for the work they do. Citizens share in the wealth of the Emirate in a range of ways. They are all, in some sense, part of the Emir's family.

The is an earthly example of what the Kingdom of God is about. Many do the work of the kingdom but only the citizens share in the wealth of the kingdom. It is only the Sons of God who are the true citizens of the Kingdom of God. The UAE is like a copy of prosperity in the midst of a hostile middle east. They have a "benevolent dictator" who really cares nor his people.

Jesus takes this to a much higher level. While the UAE is materially prosperous, the Kingdom of God has ultimate prosperity, " Life, and that ABUNTANTLY".

Thoughts from Luke 14.

Jesus was brought up in Nazareth but he lived in Capernaum. The reactions of the people in the Synagogues in these two towns is vey instructive. In Nazareth Jesus stated clearly that the reading from Isaiah was now fulfilled in him. The people cannot have heard the implications of this since they spoke well of him.

22 All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?” they asked.

Jesus saw through their words and pressed the point so much that they drove him out of the Synagogue.

28 All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. 29 They got up, drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him off the cliff. 30 But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way.

Jesus had to be almost objectionable to get this reaction, which was the true state of their hearts. He did not allow what we often get from people: "nice word pastor". He pushed past this and made people face up to their real attitudes. 

However in Capernaum the situation was different. 

32 They were amazed at his teaching, because his words had authority.

This positive reaction was further enhanced after he drove the demon out of the man in the Synagogue. 

36 All the people were amazed and said to each other, “What words these are! With authority and power he gives orders to impure spirits and they come out!” 37 And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area.

What would happen if we were to take this example to ourselves? If we were as bold as Jesus surely the same results would happen, news about Him would spread.

Are we willing to expose ourselves to this degree of vulnerability by being so direct with people as we share the good news of Jesus without compromise. 

I hope we are, because this is the only was people are going to be challenged to turn their lives around and follow Jesus. Nice sounding words will never achieve this result. Only the truth spoken with boldness with a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit will achieve the purposes of God.

Friday, 20 March 2015

The need for true discipleship

 The following is an edited post from The Elijah List but sums up the main issues facing us as Christians today.

The Church is both an organization and an organism. Without organization there is chaos. Without organism, there is no movement. How good or mundane our Church gatherings are is not the measure of our impact. The Church has a purpose. It is to make Jesus famous and take action to make our cities better with the love, wisdom, and presence of God.

In the Book of Acts the apostles said to those outside, "We cannot help but tell of what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20). This statement reveals something valuable for us in the Western Church and worldwide. We as the Church should be telling and demonstrating the story of Jesus over and over again to those "outside the Church" with presence, power, and proclamation.

Two of the biggest false assumptions in the Western Church are these:
1. Everyone in the Church knows what the Gospel is,
2. Everyone outside of the Church has already heard the Gospel.

Both of those assumptions are false. After teaching in many schools in the Church, I am shocked that few students even know the purpose of being born again. It is not to be forgiven only, as that was accomplished on the Cross by Jesus. We receive it by grace through faith in His finished work. To be born again is an encounter with Him that allows us to see, enter, and do the works of the Kingdom. 

While forgiveness of sins through Christ and being born again might seem inseparable, we must get beyond thinking the Gospel is the gospel of forgiveness alone. It is the Gospel of the Kingdom that is meant to change the way we see, think, live, and impact the world around us with abundant life. That comes through being born again of water and Spirit, as Jesus said in John 3:5. Then, as we see, enter, and demonstrate the Kingdom of Heaven, many will want to find why and how. Whether we preach the Gospel first and then demonstrate, or demonstrate and then tell why and how, is not the issue. We just need to do both.

Reformation means getting back to the original design in modern times, but not with a different Jesus or a Church He never built. The great commission has largely been pushed back as a priority in most of the Church, however it meets or whatever it calls its vision. Gathering, equipping, exercising the gifts, worship, and community all have inherent good, but are not the eternal purpose of God. 

God's dream is to have a great big family like His Son, Jesus. We are His inheritance. So we must get the priority of the great commission of winning and making disciples of Jesus again as a top priority in the Church. He wants a big, beautiful Bride – not a grumpy, emaciated one. Sorry about that. I just don't think only 2% of the population of the earth are bound for Heaven and the rest for Hell. 

Jesus died for all who will come to Him. Billions are waiting to know Jesus died for them, not just those who go to Church. Even those who don't know Jesus long for true community. So while we work on that inside the Church, let's not forget those who are broken and looking for family outside the Church.
Throw away your rearview mirror. This really is a new year with limitless opportunity for those who will wash one another's feet. No one achieves their dreams without helping others achieve theirs. It's time to find something worth living for not just dying for. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of the Church arising to shine.

Denny Cline
Founding Pastor, Jesus Pursuit Church, Albany, Oregon, USA.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

The Glory Revealed

The presentation of Jesus in the Temple recorded in Luke 2 is more than just a ritual that all Jewish parents did with their children in earliest stages of life. It was a dramatic indication of the glory that was present even in the infant Jesus. Simeon and Anna were physically seated in what was the most magnificent building of its time.

The Temple in Jerusalem was replete with every luxury: gold, marble, the finest textiles and carvings of its time, etc. However they recognised that the glory of Jesus was much greater.

It takes spiritual eyes to look past physical grandeur to see the magnificence that there is in Jesus. He shows the very nature of God, who has all glory, and who sits in he highest heaven in magnificence that words can't fully describe.

John tries to describe this glory in the first few chapters of the book of Revelation. Even then he can only describe this glory in picture impressions. The reality is far greater and, of course, the One who sits on the Throne is even greater again.

What a magnificent thing for these two elderly prophets to see the infant Jesus and see this glory.

We can capture the same wonder as we meditate on this and enter into true worship of the One who alone deserves all our worship and praise.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Lifelong Discipleship

The following was written by Rick Joyner and is a good description of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

In biblical times, being the disciple of a noteworthy teacher was one of the highest honors one could receive. Because the quality of the disciples reflected directly upon the teacher, teachers would seek the very best and brightest as disciples, and most would only consider members of the nobility. Therefore, when the Lord commanded His disciples to go and make disciples, this was a truly remarkable commission.
         When one was chosen as a disciple of a notable teacher, it was assumed that learning from their teacher would be the disciple’s foremost focus in life. The most esteemed teachers would not allow a disciple to marry or have any other endeavors during the period of one’s discipleship. For a disciple to even consider having other interests while studying under one of the great masters would be considered a major affront to the master. How much more should being a disciple of the King of kings be?
         Of course, there are a number of differences in the Lord’s disciples and those of other teachers at the time. Some of the Lord’s chosen disciples were already married when He called them, such as Peter. Even so, all of the Lord’s disciples had to leave their professions or positions to follow Him. Some did return to their professions from time to time, as we see when the Apostle Paul occasionally returned to his tent making. Even so, the most serious thing one could do is become a disciple of the King. Without question, true discipleship requires the highest level of commitment and devotion.
         The Lord made every person unique, and He deals with each one uniquely. Attending school as a profession or working in a job or occupation can be an important part of our discipleship. When studying the great heroes of the faith in Scripture, I could only find four that were Levites, or in professional ministry. The rest were merchants, farmers, soldiers, government workers, and other such occupations. Some were even slaves. The Great Commission to “go into all the world” is not just geographical, but is about going into every field of knowledge and influence. So preparation for that field can be a part of our discipleship.
         The usual period of discipleship in biblical times was four years or less. Ours is for a lifetime. We never stop learning from our Master, and we should keep this as a primary devotion our entire lives. As has been said, “We should not stop learning until we stop breathing.” Keeping our discipleship to the Lord should be a primary devotion of our lives. Our eternal reward will be determined by how well we do this.


Ben Roberts-Smith VC, in his Australia Day address, spoke of achieving your dream. He spoke of the freedom we all have in this country to find and pursue whatever dream we have. However, before he said this he had spoken of the intense training he had to go through to be able to join the SAS. Every aspect of his being had to be stressed to their breaking point so he, and the Army, could know his breaking point. The result was he finally knew who he was and what he could achieve. He summed it up by describing the process as one which leads to true leadership.

No one can doubt the integrity and courage shown by Ben which led to the award of the highest award for bravery, the Victoria Cross. In fact he has become only the 100th person to have received the VC.

What has this to do with us as Christians?

We are in the most intense battle that anyone can be involved in, the spiritual battle of the Christian life. All too many people who call themselves Christian have no idea of who they are and what they have been called to. Jesus made it perfectly clear that we are to follow Him right to the point of death. He demands complete obedience, which is the only test of true love.

We see this in marriage every day. The only acceptable behaviour in marriage is complete faithfulness. We are committed to our spouses TO THE EXCLUSION OF EVERYONE ELSE. That is true love.

Jesus said "Luke 14:25-27,33 NIV
[25] Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: [26] “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters---yes, even their own life---such a person cannot be my disciple. [27] And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple........ [33] In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples."

Luke 9:62 NIV
[62] Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

In the Western world especially most "Christians" know very little, if at all, the reality of such a devotion to Jesus. However there are many places in the world where becoming a follower of Jesus is a life and death matter. In the face of such opposition these true disciples of Jesus are also the most active in obeying the commands of Jesus. They are in the forefront of witnessing to the reality of the Kingdom of God. They know the love that casts out all fear.

As a result, these churches are strong, growing, faithful, and completely dedicated to the progress of the Kingdom of God. When one person is challenged, the others support them. They are true bodies of Christ.

Of course not every church in South East Asia. Africa, China, etc, is like this. But where the conditions in society are most tough, the church is also strongest. The reverse is also true. It seems that the evil one knows that the strongest weapon he has is prosperity and security.

We live in such a prosperous and secure society and so our faith, generally speaking, is weak. We must fight against this with all Jesus' strength. Not that we are to become poor or live in an insecure society, but we are to recognise that we are citizens of the Kingdom of God before anything else. We must be completely committed to Jesus before all else, self interest, family, nation. Others must Se that we are different and that we only fight with spiritual weapons and not with any others. This means that we are to become just like Jesus and DEMONSTRATE true love, humility, mercy and forgiveness to all, especially those who do not share our faith and worldview.

Too difficult? If this is how you react to these comments then you need to have a personal interaction with Jesus, not with religion or church or purely personal faith. True Christians are born into a new society where we need each other and will give up everything for Jesus and each other. We come to Jesus as individuals, but we are then born into this new society, the Kingdom of God.

Too difficult? The alternative is much worse, look all around you at the mess we call our 'free and prosperous' world. Could there be a worse mess?

The Kingdom of God is here now as a seed. The flower from the seed is yet to come, but it can progress towards this goal ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, just as Jesus taught and showed.

Seek the Lord while he may be found.

Isaiah 55:6-11 NIV
[6] Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. [7] Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. [8] “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. [9] “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. [10] As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, [11] so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.